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Find your life purpose, heal emotional wounds, and unlock your spiritual gifts to live a soul-aligned life of love and abundance

With HeartHealing™ Hypnosis

Are you ready to finally release the emotional wounds and subconscious blocks holding you back from living your fullest purpose?
You’re not alone—many spiritually aligned women feel the weight of limiting beliefs and unresolved trauma, keeping them disconnected from their intuition and true power. This is your moment to heal, reclaim your authentic self, and amplify your spiritual gifts.

The Power of HeartHealing™

HeartHealing™ is a revolutionary, deep healing modality designed to resolve the subconscious wounds at the root of your struggles. These five universal wounds—formed in childhood, through relationships, or passed down generationally—affect how you show up in the world. When healed, they unlock incredible spiritual clarity, self-trust, and emotional freedom. 

You can be the changemaker, the one who was strong enough to identify and end the destructive patterns of childhood wounding in your family now and for future generations.

What We Heal

The Universal Heart Wounds: Feeling Enough, Self-Love, Self-Trust, Self-Worth, & Self-Acceptance.

Each of the five universal heart wounds has a profound impact on your life. Which one resonates most for you? 

are you enough just as you are?

What would it feel like if you
  • No longer had anything to prove to anyone
  • Knew you were enough as a woman, a partner, a mother, a business owner or in your work
  • Released the pressure of perfectionism and no longer had to be the best to finally earn love
  • Could stop taking course after course to finally feel you know enough and could integrate and use what you already know to benefit yourself now

Do you feel loveable no matter what?

What peace and joy would be present if you
  • Stopped overgiving and people pleasing and put down healthy boundaries with ease 
  • Loved yourself fully, knew you were enough and had a new depth of love to offer others.
  • Were able to attract a harmonious, loving relationship, or improve the one you’re in
  • Knew you were lovable unconditionally and treated yourself that way

Are you able to trust yourself and others?

What would it feel like if you
  • Had clarity in what’s happening within and around you and knew what to do about it 
  • Could make  decisions with ease and were free of self doubt 
  • Knew that making mistakes is ok and were free of any fear of failure 
  • Could  trust and act on your own intuition and then discover you have  major gifts in this area!

Do you feel worthy and valuable?

How would your life change if you
  • Were free of  feelings of guilt, shame and feelings of inadequacy 
  • Were no longer  critical of yourself or others 
  • Stopped sabotaging behaviors and started doing what you really want to in life and work 
  • No longer had debt and financial struggles 
  • Released addictions to work/alcohol/food etc.

Do you accept yourself as you are?

What would be possible if you
  • Felt like you truly belonged and you were needed in this world
  • No longer felt lonely 
  • Were able to feel joy in being seen, heard and in being your true self 
  • Were able to form close bonds with others and to feel safe in being  who you really are 
  • Believed that others liked you and wanted you around 

“Before working with Andrea, I was struggling with feelings of guilt and self-doubt. After our sessions, I felt lighter and finally worthy of the life I’ve always desired. The HeartHealing™ experience truly changed my relationship with myself and others.”     – JS, USA

The Results

  • Relief from painful emotional wounds and triggers
  • Freedom from blocks that hold you back from the love, career, money, spiritual connection, and life you want
  • Profound transformation and spiritual growth
  • Personal empowerment
  • The ability to open your heart and receive the gifts and support that are your birthright

The Benefits

  • More energy to create the life of your dreams
  • Confidence in decisions and direction
  • Feel aligned with your soul path
  • Feel calmer, safer, and more empowered
  • Deeply loving and trusting yourself
  • Feeling worthy of love, wealth, abundance and meaningful work
  • Kinder internal dialogue that supports and empowers you
  • Receive new opportunities and attract amazing new people into your life

Hey there, I'm Andrea

I'm  a Spiritual Gift Activator and Life Purpose Guide– certified in the most advanced techniques of HeartHealing™, which allows me to support you in healing your deepest blocks, activating your own personal spiritual gifts and guiding you to your life’s purpose.

I’m also an accredited member of the ACCPH (Accredited Counselors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists) and a member of ASI (Association for Spiritual Integrity).

my story

I spent the past six years trying to find what was causing my painful beliefs, fears and self-sabotaging behaviors and tried everything I could think of to find relief. I did all kinds of psychological therapies, body work, spiritual practices, meditation, consciousness work and energy medicine. I read self-help books and spent thousands of dollars on programs, intensives and retreats. Although many of these practices were beneficial, I never got the lasting relief I was searching for.

Then I found HeartHealing™. In my first session I discovered that a painful incident in my childhood caused me to stop trusting myself. My powerful child’s mind mistakenly thought that to stay safe, I needed to outsource decisions of what’s right for me to others. This belief was the hidden steering mechanism for my life for the next 40 years. Since I didn’t trust myself, I found that I attracted people who weren’t trustworthy and lived through many painful experiences that seemed to repeat over and over.

Finally discovering that this lack of self trust was the reason for so much of my unease and negative behaviors was life-changing. Since the day I healed this wound in myself, I have been a different person. So many unnamed burdens just dropped away. I’m now a woman who can trust herself fully and I now guide my life from that knowing. I went on to heal my other three universal heart wounds and have completely transformed my life and what’s possible for me!

I have elevated all areas of my life to a new level

I share this story as an example of how hidden mechanisms formed in childhood can derail our lives, and we can have no idea that they are even there.

Each person has a different pattern of wounding but HeartHealing™ is a powerful modality that will show you exactly what happened, what needs to heal and I will guide and assist you to heal each wound fully.

It's now possible for you too

I was so moved by the effectiveness and lasting change possible with this modality that I decided to become a HeartHealing™ practitioner– certified to  the highest level.  I've also uncovered and unlocked my spiritual gifts through my personal healing journey, (Healing the trust wound is a GAMECHANGER for intuition) and I use my intuitive gifts to individually tailor my work to guide you to your life's purpose and to open your spiritual gifts so you can live your full potential and the life you've dreamed of.  

I have strong compassion for human wounding and its effects because I have lived through pain, heartbreak and difficulty and I love that there is an effective path out of it. 

I get so excited thinking of who and what we can be as humans when freed of our subconscious burdens and guiding our lives with crystal clear intuition!

Your Hearthealing™ Journey

I offer two paths of transformation, both personalized to meet your unique needs:

The Level 1 Package: Choose Your Wound
Start your healing journey by choosing the wound that is impacting your life the most right now. Whether it’s the Enoughness Wound, Love Wound, Trust Wound, Worth Wound, or Acceptance Wound, this 33-day journey will allow you to focus on healing the specific wound that is holding you back the most. Healing just one wound can unlock profound changes in your confidence, self-trust, and spiritual clarity.
Investment: $525 *Prices subject to change

The Level 2 Package: Full HeartHealing™
After completing Level 1, you can continue the journey and heal the remaining four universal wounds. Over the course of 2-4 months, we’ll heal each of these wounds in the best order for your unique situation, ensuring that your healing is deep, lasting, and transformational. Healing all the wounds will transform and level up all aspects of your life!
Investment: $2,000 for all four remaining wounds (Payment plan available) *Prices subject to change

“I never thought I would find myself considering this modality, but it has helped me reach a depth of my subconscious mind that I never thought I’d be able to reach. You have helped me immensely! I really appreciate you and the space that you held for me.” – AM, USA

How the Sessions Are Delivered

All HeartHealing™ sessions are conducted online via Zoom, allowing you to experience deep healing from the comfort of your own home.
Each session is highly personalized and designed to guide you through deep subconscious healing. You will receive:

Level 1 Package

  • 1 x 30 min conscious level session
  • Pre-session relaxation recording: I’ll provide you with a special audio recording to help you relax and prepare for your session
  • 1 x 90 minute HeartHealing™ hypnosis session with me, tailored to address the root causes of your chosen wound
  • Post-session integration: After each session, you’ll receive a personalized hypnosis recording that reinforces the healing process. You’ll listen to this daily for 25 days to ensure the shifts you’ve made are fully integrated into your mind, heart, and body
  • 1 x 30 min final conscious level session

Level 2 Package

  • 1 x 30 min conscious level session
  • Pre-session relaxation recording: I’ll provide you with a special audio recording to help you relax and prepare for your session
  • 4 x 90 minute HeartHealing™ hypnosis sessions with me, tailored to address the root causes of the remaining 4 universal heart wounds. Sessions are scheduled 2 weeks apart
  • 4 x personalized hypnosis recordings that reinforce the healing process. You’ll listen to this daily between sessions to ensure the shifts you’ve made are fully integrated into your mind, heart, and body
  • 1 x 30 min final conscious level session

Here's what you can expect

We get to journey together over 33 days (Level 1 Package) or 9-weeks (Level 2 Package). We will dedicate  one month to healing each one of your  universal childhood wounds. (Note: For the level 2 package we can shorten the time between HeartHealing™ sessions to two weeks apart.)

We will begin with a deep dive into your conscious beliefs. In your powerful onboarding session we will start to unravel what holds you back and to identify your true wants, wishes and desires. Together, we’ll decide  what wound is impacting your life the most and we’ll heal that one first so you’ll experience the biggest transformation possible right away. Previous clients have expressed how they notice a palpable change even with just filling in the intake form before the session!
You will be given a deeply relaxing hypnosis meditation at the end of this session that will prepare and support you as we move towards your first 90 minute HeartHealing™ session.

Next, we’ll move your journey to the subconscious level. In your first HeartHealing™ session, we will uncover the true root cause of your first heart wound, the one that has been driving your conscious thoughts, feelings and beliefs. This session will release the pain and the hurt that has been holding you back, there will be tears, there will be laughter and you will emerge feeling powerful, strong and excited for the future.

This session unpacks a lot so in order to reinforce and strengthen the transformation towards complete healing, you will receive a tailored live success imprint recording to listen to every day for 25 days.  The imprint recording will support you in integrating your healing on a mental, emotional, relational and energetic level.

We wrap up your healing package with a final conscious level session. In this session we celebrate your transformation and define your new direction as the healed and free new YOU.

If you're doing Level 2, the process is the same as above but you will book each HeartHealing™ session two weeks apart. After each session I will give you a success imprint recording that is tailored to you and that includes the most important messages from the session to support your healing and full integration. We will continue doing HeartHealing™ sessions two weeks apart until we have elevated your entire being to a new level of peace, clarity and wholeness. We finish with a final conscious level session.


  • Full email support throughout the journey. You will feel completely supported each step of the way, knowing that I am just an email away if you have any questions or breakthroughs that you would like to share with me.


  • Powerful transformational materials (as homework and recommendations) tailored to you as needed, pulled from my years of learning what works for real change on mental, emotional, relational, and energetic  levels.

“Working with Andrea was transformative on every level. After my HeartHealing™ sessions, I found clarity in my life purpose, healed deep-seated wounds I wasn’t even aware of, and felt my spiritual gifts being activated in ways I never imagined. Andrea is truly gifted, and I highly recommend this to anyone who feels like they’re not living their full potential.” - MS, USA

this is for you if…

  • You are heart-centered, spiritually oriented, and ready for deep healing.
  • You’ve been searching for relief from emotional wounds and are determined to resolve them at the root.
  • You want to uncover and amplify your spiritual gifts and gain clarity on your life’s purpose.
  • You’re ready to invest time, energy, and commitment into your healing journey.
  • You believe spirituality plays a central role in transforming your life and are open to new modalities.

this is not for you if…

  • You expect someone else to “fix” you without personal investment, time or commitment.
  • You are skeptical of hypnotherapy, spirituality, or energy work and need convincing.
  • You suffer from epilepsy or a psychotic illness (hypnotherapy is not recommended for safety reasons in these cases).
  • You are currently in a traumatic situation—such as an abusive relationship—without an exit plan.

Take the Next Step

You’re ready for deep change. You’re ready to stop feeling stuck and start living your purpose. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Choose the wound that speaks to you first, and begin your healing process.


  • $525 for The Level 1 Package: Choose Your Wound *Prices subject to change
  • $2,000 for The Level 2 Package: Full HeartHealing™ (4 x $500 payment plan available) *Prices subject to change
Apply now/Book a call to secure your spot


Created by Natasha Bray in 2020, HeartHealing™ is a unique healing approach that works within the subconscious state to combine scientific, spiritual, and energetic principles. It helps you access the hidden wounds in your heart that are often inaccessible through traditional methods, allowing for deep, lasting healing.
Everyone is different, thank goodness for that, so everyone's experience is different. There is no right or wrong timeframe. Some people report huge immediate shifts and some people notice subtle changes because when the burden isn’t present anymore, you don’t notice it! Some people notice changes in their mindset and behavior retroactively and some notice all of the above. However change happens for you, it will be deep and permanent.
We will do the sessions online via Zoom. From the comfort of your own home, you get to relax in your own chosen, safe space. Working through Zoom also allows us to work together no matter where you are in the world. 
Hypnosis works through a process of creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. That’s how you’re able to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it.
Yes. You are in conscious control the whole time. You are able to speak, laugh or cry, ask questions, move your body, or even grab a tissue.
It’s ok to feel apprehensive. That’s why I provide a "Feel-Safe" audio recording before your session to help you relax and ease into the healing process. I'll be fully supporting you throughout.

Still have additional questions?

I want this to be a hell yes from you to ensure that you get the most out of our time together, so if there are any additional questions that you may have please book a discovery call with me at your earliest convenience so that we can address these and help you make your decision.

invest in yourself

Where could you be a year from now with new wisdom, spiritual gifts and deep, profound healing? Also, on the flip side, consider what your life looks like if you just keep trying to cope with the wounds and blocks. This choice is in your hands!

If you're ready to drop your burdens for good and elevate your life to an entirely new level, book a free 15-minute call with me now and we'll chat about how HeartHealing™ can help your specific situation.

Book a call to secure your spot

The door to your new life, the one you know is possible, is right in front of you now.

Let’s walk through it together!



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